Classroom activities to practice telling time in Spanish.
Telling time in Spanish is a tough concept to teach. I was surprised at how challenging it was when I first taught 7th graders. One challenge for students was expressing time using an analog clock. I quickly began using digital clocks which made telling time so much easier.
Another challenge comes with teaching "menos" and subtracting minutes from the next hour. This is difficult for me too! I've created several resources to make telling time in Spanish easy for you and FUN for students.
Save yourself some time and check out these no-prep resources to give novice students plenty of practice with telling time in Spanish!
Telling Time Presentation for Google Slides
This Spanish Time Presentation has everything you need to get middle school or high school students actively engaged and confidently telling time in Spanish. Includes 28 pages of instruction and practice with telling time before and after the hour.
Students will be able to answer the questions "¿Qué hora es?" and "¿A qué hora?" All the prep work has been done for you.
"Students were engaged the entire time and
the explanations were perfect for them to grasp the concepts."
(Click here for the PowerPoint version.)
Bingo Games
Time Bingo is my favorite listening activity to practice telling time! Call out a time in Spanish and have students look for the matching time on their bingo cards.
Includes forty printable bingo cards to practice 24 time expressions.
Students LOVE this game!
(Also available to play digitally in Google Slides.)
"My students had so much fun playing this game!
They were laughing and had fun practicing."
Class Schedule
Students write their class schedule in Spanish. Write course names, the time each class begins, and the names of teachers. This is a great way to communicate basic information about their everyday life.
Use "Mi Horario" as a Spanish-speaking activity! Have students ask other students
"¿A qué hora es la clase de...? ¿Quién es el profesor / la profesora?" and "¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?" Fun interpersonal activity for back-to-school!
(Also available for Google Slides!)
"Great graphic organizer to get students thinking about time in a way that is relevant
and personal to them. They loved discussing their favorite classes and teachers."
Bundle of Time Telling Activities
Find all of the digital versions of the activities posted above in a money-saving Spanish Time Activities Bundle for Google Slides. Must-have resource for beginning Spanish or Spanish 1 teachers.
"Excellent activity for students to practice telling time. A good review for students
who already knew time, and good practice for those just learning it!"
Hope you've found meaningful time-telling activities that you and your students LOVE!
Happy teaching!